
Server status Helios/Liberty:




Liberty not connected to the server!

Helios not connected to the server!

Robert Carlsson

Robert Carlssons programming portfolio

About me


Hello, my name is Robert Carlsson, I'm a 24 year old programmer from Stockholm. I'm currently working as a junior programmer at Gone North Games. I have also got a bachelor's degree in Game development - with a focus on Programming from Södertörns Högskola.


My hobby has always been playing games, but during my time at highschool I also developed an interest for programming. This lead me to start learning game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine on my sparetime after I'd graduated from high school.

A year after my graduation I took this hobby of mine to a new level and applied to the Game Development program at Södertörn, where I got my bachelor degree and from my internship a spot at Gone North Games.


I always make sure to challenge myself so that I can keep developing and improving my skills. Therefore I always make sure to have at least one project ongoing besides my work. As it is today I have one side project and that is Project Liberty, unfortunately it has been put on ice during the crunch-period of Goat Simulator, but also due to personal reasons. I will continue working on it again soon, as well as updating the blog and webpage. I also had one more project ongoing that no longer is being worked on and that was Project Helios, which me and a few friends did during our spare time while studying at Södertörn.


Helios is a top-down team-based shooter with fully functional multiplayer connected to a masterserver running on my stationary computer. This project was one of my first attempts at a realtime multiplayer game, therefore the network code isn't that good when it comes to security etc. Each client handles their own movement and hit-detection instead of the server, leading to easily cheated gameplay. One could say the network code is similar to a peer-peer system.


A while into this project I started reading up more on how to do realtime multiplayer games in a secure way, which lead to me starting up Project Liberty. Liberty uses a Client-server structure where the Server has authority over almost every action made in the game, such as movement, hit-detection etc. This is done to make sure cheating and such is much harder. This method of doing games comes at a cost though, the delay created when a player presses a key and waits for the server response. This is solved however by using approximations such as interpolation and extrapolation on the client-side that compensates the lag created by this way of developing multiplayer games. The server updates all clients once every 1/20 second, while the clients interpolates every 1/10 second to make sure it always has at least 1 package from the server, even if there's been package loss. This is explained well here(Valve).


I recently added server-side lag compensation for a clients shots (Valve)

and also Kalman Filter for client extrapolation(Kalman Filter).


ProjectHelios was started 2013-12-15 together with Ulfrik Björkqvist(Design), Eleonora Hackman(Design), Robert Carlsson(Design, Programming), Kim Kupchik(Art), Hannes Almqvist(Art).


ProjectLiberty was started 2014-10-21 by me, Robert Carlsson(All aspects of the game).


You can get my CV here!